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Financial Questions?

We understand that making the decision to move can be overwhelming, and that the associated financial questions are often difficult to understand. Below is a summary of the types of financial options available for your stay at Sunrise. We welcome you to contact us with questions.


Private Pay

Our private care rates are based on four levels of care provided by the State Required MDS Assessment. The rate is determined by the highest level of care given in any area.  The only ancillaries we charge for are oxygen and mileage. These will be included on your monthly bill. Assessments are done quarterly, but we will provide updates at your request.



Sunrise provides all of the therapy services required for Medicare coverage during your stay. Medicare pays 100% for the first 20 days, then 80% for the following 80 days. This is ONLY if their requirements are met, and no Medicare days were used prior to your arrival. We will gladly verify your amount of available Medicare days and let you know of any changes. If your stay extends beyond Medicare coverage, we will work with you to explore other payment options.

Visit the official Medicare website here.



In order to qualify for Medicaid, a visit with a case worker is required. They will direct you to any eligible benefits. If your coverage by Medicaid is pending, please contact us. In many cases, we are able to admit if certain criteria are met. 

Visit the Nebraska Medicaid Portal Here.


Long Term Care Insurance

We will be glad to file the proper paper work for your insurance company. We are accustom to the many different requirements and will work with you to streamline the process. If you decide to have payments sent to you instead of directly to us, please keep in mind that you are responsible for the bill.

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